Winter Warmers


Winter should be the time to rest and restore but it can sometimes feel like the opposite, particularly in the run up to Christmas with all the bright lights, shopping and parties. Coupled with months of short days, dark evenings, cold and rain…winter can be hard. Here are my tips for embracing the season.

  • Indulgent baths. Either first thing in the morning à la Princess Margaret (what a dreamy start to the day) or more realistically to end the day well. Go all out with Epsom salts, bath oil (I love Tissarand) and more candles. For real goddess vibes, add some music from Satnum Kaur.

  • Red wine. We need those antioxidants.

  • Embrace all things hygge –blankets, chunky jumpers, fluffy socks (I love seasalt ones) candles, candles and yet more candles. Invite as much beauty into your home as possible –flowers and autumnal wreaths.

  • Appreciate the cylical nature of things. Winter is a time to rest, retreat and hibernate. With our busy lives, this isn’t really practical, but don’t beat yourself up if you don’t feel like striving and achieving, instead embrace rest as much as possible and use this down time to dream and plan for the more active months.

  • Set up a December/January direct debit. A bit of a boring one this, but saving a bit of money each moth, £30 or so, will give you enough extra cash at Christmas for all the presents, parties and the longer gap between pay days. Not starting the year in the overdraft is definitely good for wellbeing and makes January more fun.

  • Start the day with a hot chocolate. Oat milk + 2tsp cacao + 1tsp instant coffee. Comforting but also rocket fuel. You can even add a dash of maple syrup for an extra boost.

  • Thermal underwear. Life changing. Tights and vests from M&S that are super thin but cleverly keep you warm under chic clothes.

  • On that note, invest in a good coat. I practically live in my puffy Uniqlo one November-March. It’s definitely not the most stylish but this duvet of a coat enables me to embrace winter walks and the early commute. As my Norwegian aunt says ‘there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing’.

  • Pasta. Pasta is life. And bread, potatoes…basically any carb. Smoothies and quinoa are all very well in summer but just don’t cut it this time of year.

  • Invite your friends over for dinner. They will love you for it and you don’t have to travel, winner! A nourishing stew, red wine, lots of chatting, and to make it really exciting you could play a game of monopoly.

  • Get a hot water bottle. Yes, I’m a granny at heat. My friend Ruth goes one step further and has one in the office. She is a genius.

  • Take a hot yoga class. I’m learning to love this style of yoga and it’s much easier to peel myself off the sofa with the promise of an enveloping heat. Also, the novelty of sweating in January is surprisingly enjoyable.

  • Embrace traditions and rituals. Christmas carol singing, solstice, Valentine ’s Day. All great excuses to get together with your loved ones, eat good food and celebrate.

Most of all be kind to yourself and remember to take note of what you’re grateful for.

Hannah Legg