Desk Yoga Sequence

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A juicy ten minute sequence to ease the tension from sitting at our desks. With particular focus of the shoulders and back, this practice will leave you feeling restored!

Wrist & Finger Stretches

Extend your arms overhead and draw 5-10 circles inwards and outwards with the wrists. Follow this by quickly spreading the fingers and closing the fists, releasing excess tension and increasing blood flow..

Extend your right arm in front of you with your palm facing forward and fingertips pointing up. Keeping your arm straight, gently pull back your hand with your left to feel a nice stretch down the forearm and wrist. Repeat on the other side.

Neck Release

Take your head towards your right shoulder, ensuring that both shoulders are relaxed and shoulder blades down and back.

If it increases your stretch, you can take your left hand behind your back. A further option is to lightly place your right hand on your head to encourage the stretch.

Shoulder Rolls

Simply rolling the shoulders up and back, nice and slowly. Inhale as you bring the shoulders up and exhale as they roll back.

Lateral Stretch

Sit tall and inhale both arms above your head. Take hold of left wrist and take a side stretch towards the right. It doesn’t need to be a dramatic stretch –just to the point where you can feel a nice stretch down the side body and you can breathe easily. Inhale back to the middle and repeat to the other side.

Seated Twist

Place your left hand on the outside your right knee with your palm facing up, while your right arm extends down with your fingertips pointing towards the floor and palms facing forwards. On your Inhales sit tall and on your exhale, try to increase the twist a little. After a few breaths, repeat on the other side.

Eagle Arms

Sit tall and extend your arms in front of you. Cross one arm over the other, interlocking them and placing your palms together. Lift your elbows in line with your chin and stretch your forearms upwards and at a 90 degree angle. Stay in this pose for 3-5 breaths before switching sides. You can add to the pose by crossing the legs (opposite leg on top) and interlocking one foot behind the other.

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Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana)

Extend right arm overhead then bend the elbow so that your right hand is between your shoulder blades. Take your left arm behind you, bending the elbow and trying to clasp your hands together. If you can’t reach then taking hold of your t-shirt is fine. Switch the sides.


Shoulder Opening

Clasp your hands behind your lower back and stretch your arms out, leaving a micro-bend in the elbows. Inhale as you draw your shoulder blades together, push your hands away from the body to widen the shoulders and lift the chest. Hold for five breaths then relax. Repeat a few times if it feels good.

To increase the stretch in your spine and legs, you can do this from a standing position and then fold at your hips.

Chair Pigeon

Whilst seated, place your right ankle on your left knee, flexing the foot so as not to place pressure on the knee. Remain in an upright position, keeping an even distribution on both seat bones. When you feel a gentle to moderate stretch in the upper outer thigh, hold for 5-10 breaths. Repeat on the other side.

Seated pigeon pose helps us regain the balance we sometimes lose sitting in our desk chairs, whilst opening the hips and chest.




Hannah Legg